Thursday, November 29, 2012

Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology

Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology

          In the course catalog, one is told that the degree focus of "the Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology allows you to acquire the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to incorporate technology, tools, and instructional systems in a variety of learning environments including online learning. Discover how the latest technology tools can impact the learning experience, from K-12 students up through corporate trainees. Embark on a variety of courses that will provide you with the skills to apply the latest technology to teaching and online learning, as well as to serve as a resource for your fellow teachers and colleagues," (Online Master's Degree in Teaching and Learning with Technology - Ashford University, n.d.).

          In the pages following, the designated learning outcomes will be addressed by lesson plans designed to include and showcase technology in the high school classroom. The learning outcomes are as follows:
1.      Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to learning using technology;
2.      Demonstrate knowledge and skills in current and emerging instructional technologies;
3.      Design learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners;
4.      Apply research to support learning in a technology-enhanced environment;
5.      Exemplify ethical practices of technology usage;
6.      Evaluate technology resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation;
7.      Utilize technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings; and
8.      Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership.